

Max patch updated too

Manual is included. Many new functions require autohotkey to be installed, which is Windows only. Sorry.

More info when I have time.

see the previous post for some more details, or read the manual.

(links thoughout rest of site haven’t been updated yet – just use these ones please)

~ by stutterbrain on June 2, 2008.

5 Responses to “0.30”

  1. This package looks really cool…however, I get an error when I run the AHK script:

    Error at line 728. Line Text: ó::-
    Error: Invalid hotkey.

    Any ideas?

  2. Sorry that line number is for 0.31…0.30 gives me the same error message for line 600…

  3. strange, I’ll have a look – pretty sure I tested everything and it was working… though that’s not really my style. Have to do some things tonight, but maybe tomorrow, maybe after the weekend – I’ll contact you once I know what’s up.

  4. Thanks for the response–the problem seems to be only those two lines (mouse zoom or something?) because commenting them out fixes it.

    I have since gotten it mostly working, with only a couple of snags–I can’t seem to affect the eight knobs down below when the blue hand is on the effect panel unless I manually assign them (although the send knobs work).

    I also don’t get any metronome or MIDI playback lights like you do in your videos…I’m pretty sure I have all the ports set up correctly, but I could’ve slipped somewhere.

    Overall, I love this kit! Was considering buying nativeKontrol but if you keep developing this I’d donate the money to you instead…or maybe I can get more familiar with max/ahk and help make it cooler =)

    Any chance of getting to use the XY as a mouse? Can AHK support that functionality?

    Anyway, keep up the great work!

  5. Must admit because I’ve been using Cubase recently rather than Live I haven’t touched this in a few months. To be honest, I’ve been spending less time in the proximity of a computer recently. Just opened Live and all seems to be working for me, which is lucky.
    If you really think this sort of thing will be useful, then play with this, and then consider buying LiveKontrol. This will probably never be very well supported or developed – I have a shitty job that takes up enough time, and go in spurts of music/coding/trying to enjoy what passes for summer here … whereas I imagine the LiveKontrol app may get further development, and has been produced with the aim of selling to people (thus it’s been tested a little more than mine).
    If on the other hand I come back to this and include any major improvements (like the Live API stuff), than I guess this will become a worthy app.

    ok, so…

    – Autohotkey – I have no idea why that would appear to be an invalid hotkey… leave it commented out, and don’t worry about it for now.

    – “blue hand” issue … suggests that you have not got the “User Configuration” file properly located and active. Have a look at p.6-7 in the manual, or make sure the file is has been put here:

    C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR NAME\Application Data\Ableton\YO
    VERSION\Preferences\User Remote Scripts\ (e.g. padKontrol edit\)

    And that you have activated it as a Remote Control in Ableton’s midi pref’s. That should also provide the playback lights.

    – The metronome – that would be my fault:
    – Pick a midi-yoke port (e.g. MY5)
    – In Ableton’s midi pref’s – Activate that port’s Sync button on Output (so that Ableton is sending timing out to my pK app)
    – In the pK Max app – go to File -> Midi Setup
    – Select the corresponding Midi In – cross the box next to it so that it is active, and in the Abbrev drop-down box select the letter L. Do the same for Rewire 1
    – You should now get the metronome.

    The XY pad to mouse thing might be possible – it would require a litte more delving into AHK with regards to variables and the .DLL call function which is used with the midi input library. AHK can certainly move a mouse cursor about the screen without you touching the mouse, and parts of the script use that. I would also like to create some kind of Novation Speed Dial type of thing, and an X-Y pad mode which splits it into two halves for pitch bend and modulation.

    My Max demo has run out, so there’s not much I can do at that end without reformatting a computer or buying the program.

    Feel free to delve into the Max patch or the AHK code – they’re both available for that reason – initially I hoped some Max users who know a little more than me might pick up on this and provide me with some pointers, but so far no luck. I should warn you that the Max patch is messy.

    Let me know if the pointers above help with your issues. Good to know you have it mostly working, nice to get a bit of feedback.

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